This week….


Fired on by the creative juices of Miss Blakeborough I have decided to listen to the joys of Freezepop this week. It also appears that the gods have been pointing me in there general direction as joystiq posted their latest vid (which is after the post break if you are interested.) So yes these cheeky chappies have been singing into my ear about stolen bed head and the size of genitalia which can only make me giggle and dance like a fool.

Also this week I have been listening to good ol Imogen Heap and her sort of bandish type thing Frou Frou. I do realise that they are a bit ancient old now but I cant help but love and the thought of a new Imogen album this year is enough to make me cry into my morning coffee. For people who may not have heard the delights of Imogen search out Hide and Seak, Let Go and Glittering Clouds!

Finally it is Alphabeat which is still top of my most played!