The New Cadbury + Fa...

I only caught a glimpse of this during the ad break of ‘Making Soft Core Porn’ or ‘Make Me A Super Model’ as it is more commonly known. My reactions were as follows. Oh wow thats beautiful Is it a little racist WTF I have no idea what is happening...

The Time Traveler...

Not probably something you’d expect to see a review of here but it does have an undoubtedly sci-fi flavour, albeit with a chick lit twist. The trailers for this film pretty much caused me to refuse to watch this film as it makes it look like sappy drivel. However, I was pleasantly...

PS3 Slim! we knew th...

Wowsers - Sony have done something interesting and made a lil version of the PS3 not much to say - this would be fine if everyone hadn’t already bought an Xbox 360. More here on...

YourFace @ The Fring...

Myself and Mr. Morgan have been at the heart of the Edinburgh festival for two weeks now (don’t forget to keep up with our exploits at and our youtube channel thisisdavidmorgan) and the tiredness, hallucinations and slight sense of floating instead of walking is...


United States of Tar...

Amercan television is in a wonderful state of flux at the moment. Schedulers are still in a mild state of panic after the writers strike and instead of commisioning the usual 22+ epsiode runs that they used to, the British model is starting to be followed. So now we have series that run for...