It should be mentioned that I’ve always had a turbulent relationship with Sonic. When I was a child my best friend had a Mega Drive AND a Game Gear but I had neither. Aww. We’d spend hours after school and at weekends playing Sonic (I say playing but I never really got a turn- the...
This is a Triumph, H...
posted by Morgan
People who are this creative make me ill. It’s not fair! Now we here at yourface love Portal and now we want this too, seriously Valve get to it, I want a Portal gun! I want River Song’s Sonic Screwdriver too while you’re at...
The Games Column: By...
posted by Morgan
Hello there… Blackett is away, so here is Morgan for the Gamesness! Now, being essentially a casual gamer I’m not really one to comment on games or industry hoohah but I can about their brand positioning. Above is the new advert / campaign for XBOX 360 and beautiful (if a...
posted by Blackett
Welcome to our 200th blog post woo YAY *throws glitter in the air* weeeee ‘celebrate good times come on’ etc etc. And thank you Microsoft for giving me something to rant about, the image above (and slightly bigger after the break) is the leaked images from Microsoft take on the...
the GAYERgamer
posted by Blackett
Now this is an odd one, the story goes that Grant an Xbox live user would go by the gamer tag ‘the gayergamer’ one day he goes to play online and it turns out his account has been blocked due to his apparently offensive name. He goes onto say that he has not found the Xbox Live...