
We enjoyed doing a three-way so much last time, that we thought we’d do all of our thoughts and feelings about Coraline as one massive, wonderful cornucopia of YourFace-ness. So, topics at the ready here is what we thought of Neil Gaiman’s Coraline (we do love a good preview; makes...


oooh, massive excitements this morning -- this may be old news to some of you, but i have just discovered a multi-artistic collaboration of 3 of my favourite people. The whole story is documented at but here is a mini-history for you Amanda Palmer (of the Dresden...

Coraline boxes

Its fairly obvious that we’re all super excited about Coraline, so forgive me if everyone has already seen this. The makers of Coraline distributed fifty completely unique handmade boxes, one to each of their favourite fifty bloggers with a collection of different photographs, toys and...

Coraline Breaks inte...

Coraline, the new all 3D Stop Motion Film based on a book by Neil Gaiman has got it, totally got it. They’ve taken over banner ad space and played with the genre. Have a look and see what you think, I haven’t enjoyed a banner ad this much since Mac Vs. PC! Here’s...

Neil Gaimans Coralin...

I am currently on a little bit of a Neil Gaiman bender and attempting to soak up all of his work befor I get sick of him. The next tale on my pile is his book Coraline which handily enough is due to hit cinema screens in March 2009, but trying to find a video or any information is like...