I feel I should tell you from the outset that this originally started as a much longer review and I just found myself getting bored. So I started again. What you need to know is: Mrs Pitt is a believable hero in the film, strong and beautiful doing things no human should be able to do and all...
WARNING: spoilers will follow. Tipped as an Oscar winner for this year’s ‘serious’ film, Changeling is the true story of Christine Collins and the search amidst police corruption for her missing son Walter who disappeared in April of 1928. Collins (Angelina Jolie) comes home...
Wanted: The Comic
When Wanted started in 2003 it was met with universal acclaim. I don’t trust universal acclaim. It’s very difficult, as far as I can see, to do anything really well without pissing a significant number of people off. The Beatles, for example, pissed a great many people off. The Monkees,...