Absolut Vodka are asking people to live in an Absolut world and give kindness not cash in exchange for things like snacks at a cinema or a cup of coffee, all in London of course! The advert is lovely, touchy feely, but lovely totally built to be passed around twitter but hey! What do you think...
Small does not like ...
posted by Small
Today I bought the Leicester Mercury, our local paper - mainly for the job section, but also just to catch up on the small-town journalists opinions on life the universe and everything. The article which particularly drew my eye was on page 15 (if you’re reading along with me), the...
Sprint Advert : They...
posted by Morgan
This advert is kind of beautiful, Sprint appear to understand the way that people visualise the new ‘Now’ mentality, people want to Tweet (I’m @thisisdavid btw) I love the wasy they present the data and it makes me want to be even more plugged in than I am They also have this...
Unidetified Flying I...
posted by Blackett
This is a moment of shameless self promotion but its all in a good cause. Kick of f your Easter with a large amount of chuckling and side splitting laughter. A merry band of comedians as well as our very own writer and some time stand up comedian Mr. David Morgan and contributor Paul Savage...
Geek Songs…Got...
posted by Blackett
As I was singing in the shower today a flurry of rather geektastic tunes flew from my ipod so I thought I would give you a list of my favourite five geek tunes for you to listen to and adore. Please suggest more tunes at the bottom and I will add them to the list. 5. The Time Warp - Rocky...
The future - b...
posted by Small
According to microsoft, this is what the future will look like. …so…covered in greasy finger marks then (btw, the first video is the montage, the 2nd video is the full 5 min version) to be quite honest i don’t think they’re on quite the right tracks - consumption...