Scott Pilgrim Vs The...

There are no the words to describe how excited I am to see Scott Pilgrim Vs The World. The comics were all kinds of awesome with a beautiful blend of comedy, love story, computer games, comic bookyness and a whole plethora of geeky goodness. The film is set to do the same and to prove it here...

Moon Aug04


Moon, Moon, Moon how I am torn. Since it appearance at the Sundance Festival this year there has been a rather alot of hype about this thoughtful little art house sci-fi film. Funded by the UK (ish), filmed in the UK, directed but a UKer and staring Kevin Spacey (who might as well be from the...

Blackett Throws Up H...

Good Lord this is a slow news week. There is nothing new to report on Bioshock 2, no other game has jumped out of the woodwork, Imogen Heap is still working away on her album, Susan Boyle is whipping the world into some sort of frenzy and I can’t bring myself to care. So during these...

NOF Anvil: The Story...

Should you ever give up on your dreams? That’s the question asked by this documentary film. It’s directed by Sacha Gervaisi, who roadied for a Canadian Heavy Metal band in the 80’s called Anvil. They are shown at the start in their 80’s glory, playing a huge festival in Japan,...

New Trailer for Wher...

Good lord, Who’s that? Is it me? Have I really returned? Can it be true?? Yes, my dears, the rumours are all true, i’ve been reviewing the situation, come to my senses and decided that having fun writing for my dear favourite webzine is far more important and worth my time than...


This will be a two parter tonight guys, so ladies first n all, but Blackett’s lovely words will be coming up later. So, Watchmen was released in cinemas yesterday and of course the YourFace gang went to see it as soon as various jobs had finally ended for the day. Adaptations never fail...