Scott Pilgrim vs. Th...

Have you heard about the one with the visionary director, the new classic graphic novel and the geeky references? Scott Pilgrim vs. The World is like a socially intelligent relatively attractive geek with Zelda tourettes and ADHD. It is ‘totes’ awesome. Before we get into this...

Torchwood The Comic

I have learnt a new fear, and that fear my friends is seeing the name John Barrowman on the top of a comic book. When I saw this I thought “hoorah a Torchwood comic, this will tide me over till the next series, oh and look John Barrowman has put his name on it so that makes it sort of...


If any readers from outside the UK are wondering why I’m covering this so damned late unfortunately UK telly is a bit slow on the uptake for new US imports, so it takes us quite a while to catch up with the rest of the world. Luckily, Sci Fi (soon to be SyFy) is finally showing Joss...

X-Men Origins: Wolve...

Since the utterly abyssmal and just plain wrong X Men 3: The Last Stand, I’ve been desperate to see some more of the X Men universe up on the big screen. As you’d expect, X Men Origins tells the story of Wolverine’s erm…origin, and how he became to be the adamantium...

A Slow News Day, Her...

It seems that nothing has happened in the world over the last day or so. As stated yesterday Jade is still alive, the pope is still narrow minded and biggited and blames it all on his imaginary friend, credits are still crunchy and there has been no assasination of Obama. All rather dull. So...

Watchmen - The...

Well Miss Blakeborough has left me with very little new to say about this film and I would highly reccomend clicking here and reading her thoughts on Watchmen. As for me, I would love to have an opposing view and have a good ol rant about how much I hate it and who do people think they are...