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Bone by Jeff Smith

Bone is an independently published comic. Originally published as 55 issues from 1991- 2004. Smith uses black and white line drawings that are inspired by comic strips and cartoons. Recently the comics were published in a single volume, and have also been published individually in full colour.

Bone is the story of the three Bone cousins, Fone Bone, Phonecible. P (phoney) Bone, and Smiley Bone. After being run out of Boneville, the three Bone cousins are separated in a desert by a freak locust incident. Eventually they all find there way into the Deep Forest Valley which is full of strange monsters, cute animals and some wonderful characters.

The comics are hilarious and epic at the same time. Time magazine has called the series “as sweeping as the Lord of the Rings cycle, but much funnier.” The story is one you will adore because of its funny comic lightness and not want to put down because of its gripping deeper story. The characters you will fall in love with from the “Stupid! Stupid! Rat creatures” to Miz Possum and her adorable kids. Don’t think this is a comic for kids because these comics appeal to adults who will enjoy the whimsy and humour too.

The illustration is a masterpiece, black and white line illustration is one of the hardest art forms to master and Jeff smith does it with a finesse that few can. He uses light and dark and ultimate contrast to create great scenes. His line captures a characters expression and defies the need to use words. Smith tells the story well with images and words, and balances the two in a masterful combination that makes the comic a joy to read! At first glance it may seem very cartoon but after reading through the detail, and the life the images have is apparent and very well executed.

Bone is a great comic, a light hearted, funny and epic tale of unrequited love and mystery. I would say it’s a must read for comic lovers.

tatty-byes Ryan